Monday 31 January 2011

Third Shoot

This time when filming, I filmed in daylight to ensure the quality was a lot better and will be editing the film to make it look as if it was filmed at night time.

I did this shot more than once so that I could decide which shot was best.


I wanted to have footage of Sarah acting shocked but the filming didnt come out very convincing and so I decided against using it.

The 360 degree turn of the woods didn't come out very well as in parts I was only getting the sky.

I did a 360 degree turn around my sister but where I couldn't use a tripod to keep the camera still and where the ground was uneven the footage came out very unsteady. I plan to speed the time up so it spins faster as it will bore the viewers watching turn to slowly. Hopefully it will reduce the bad filming quality aswell.

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