Thursday 25 November 2010

Photos for the Poster

At first I thought this would be an ideal photo for the poster but then I realised that Sarah's hands are blurry which would ruin the appearance of the poster.

I like the way they are standing next to each other and their serious expressions. The background is also effective as it is the location in which the soap is set for the episode.
I think it is effective how Ellie and Sarah are wearing the same clothes they are wearing in the trailer.

After looking at all the photos, I have decided that I will use this photo for my poster. I like the serious expressions they both have without looking moody and the way in which they are both standing is natural and relaxed. (In the other photos I think Sarah looks quite stiff and uncomfortable). I also like the way in which their bodies are turned towards each other.

I think this is a good photo, however, I think they are both standing too far apart. The sunlight has also made their faces look quite bright.

This photo wouldn't work as they are standing too far apart. Sarah looks quite uncomfortable.

This photo looks good but I would prefer the them to be standing closer.
I have decided to use the second photo down for my poster.

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