Thursday 11 November 2010

Poster for the Soap- Font Ideas

I have settled on the name 'DA1' for the name of my soap. I thought this was a good name as it is then clear that it is located in Dartford. All soaps have name to do with their location. 'Eastenders' because they come from East London, 'Coronation Street' because thats the street in which the soap is located and 'Hollyoaks' for the same reason.

After I had settled on this name I researched and collected a range of different fonts. From this I can see which fonts look best for the soap and can check it looks good with the soap name. I chose 36 different fonts which I thought could be appropriate. From this I chose my five favourites and narrowed it down to the one I decided looked best.

I settled on the font 'Franchise' which i discovered on

I chose this font as it bold and professional.

I want a bright, bold title on the poster so have decided to have 'DA1' in either a bright red or yellow. I will decide which looks better when I have made it.

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