Wednesday 23 March 2011

Question 3 Continued

Additionally I asked some people to write down their feedback on my trailer and the results are scanned in below.

I uploaded my soap trailer onto youtube in order to collect feedback. However people had trouble trying to post feedback due to youtube having technical difficulties as shown below. (Click on images to enlarge).

This shows how Rachel has tried to post her comment and the server has said "Error. Try Again"

Rachel sent me an email to my hotmail giving her opinion instead. I appreciated her feedback and thought it was very useful. Two other people did the same as shown below.

This is the only post that worked on youtube and I found it very helpful.

To conclude, from my audience feedback I have learnt that everyone has enjoyed my film trailer and if I could improve my video it would have been to have the arrival of the car arrive in a less busy place to keep with the location of the woods for the rest of the film, although this would have proven to be extremely difficult. Also having a written page at the end of the film displaying the time, date and channel was a good suggestion although I have a voiceover giving these details.

Poster Feedback

Magazine Feedback

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